Vitamin D Sources Information

Seems like everywhere we turn there's an article on some new piece of Vitamin D information and its sources. The sun, supplements (powder mix, tabs, liquid), fortified foods (check labels) and food sources such as eggs come to mind straight away.

Odd sources:
• Mushrooms (no Vitamin A)
• Sunflower seeds ("sun-filled", soak overnight and use ground)
Herbal & food sources:
• Alfalfa
• Basil
• Bee pollen
• Fenugreek
• Irish moss
• Mullein
• Papaya
• Sarsaparilla
• Thyme
• Watercress
The usual sources may include cod-liver oil but new findings are looking at data more critically these days because early indicators are not positive for the high levels of Vitamin A.

What's amazing is that we live in a time where pristine facilities and great minds of the day put their heads together and we're right on the edge of linked data where, soon, anyone can ask a new question then pull information from many internet sites.

Today natural researchers, like you, are out there gathering the latest finds and putting them together to make an informed decision, especially on D sources. For example, the big news lately is how Vitamin A competes with Vitamin D in the body so you can use a NutritionData calculator and find listings (high in one factor, low in another). For instance, within the fish category you will search and find that halibut happens to have much more D than A.

To cover the point "why?" we say: because it gives an almost immediate end to chronic pain. That is due to the anti-inflammatory aspect of Vitamin D by its activation in the kidneys and liver to receptors in every cell of your body. Further, what is little understood is that Vitamin D, although fat soluble, can be made to be water soluble and helps with your respiration, too. If you have poor metabolism then D must be part of your healthy game plan for its action on the thyroid and this area, which controls your weight.

"How?" is a question that not everybody asks because the world is suffering from information over load. But the answer to this particular query is "It depends..." on the source.

New under-the-tongue sprays bypass the kidneys and liver which is good news for some of us. This gives you a very quick usable source, which is another good reason to monitor your blood levels, and keep a journal on the state of your personal health. Otherwise you will waste your hard-earned cash. Most people will not need to concern themselves here because every organ is in good working order so you can begin with gradual sun exposure. Also, certain kinds of lights hung over the back of your door gives clean, easy and fast UVB rays. That is an investment worth checking out (around $1,000).

Naturally we're asking "where?" because, just like real estate, location is everything if you will be working on absorbing the precious sun's rays into your yearly regimen (to build up stores). Speaking of location some of us have the luxury of getting our sun on a daily basis, and the darker your skin the longer the time you ought to spend in the sun. The further away from the equator then the higher the concern for alternate sources of Vitamin D must be. Remember: uncover the areas usually covered by a full set of clothing, but cover up face, hands and upper neck to avoid photo-aging on this always-exposed skin.

The Worlds Healthiest Foods is non-profit so I like to look there for ideas about super foods and they recommend Sockeye salmon and explain that this fish has a diet of zooplankton which brings us right back to the sun and photo-synthesis once again.

The typical source for Vitamin D supplements would be raw sheep's wool placed under ultra-violet B lights to create cholecalciferol, a superior form (D3). Make sure you find pharmaceutical grade Vitamin D3 from North America, Europe and the commonwealth sources where standards are high. No sense in risking your health for possible toxins and no need for sugar so watch out for that, too.

Some people under care are given temporary directions to take low anti-biotics for eighteen months to completely rid themselves of L-form bacteria (without a cell wall) first before going forward with the benefits of sun play, and will need to wear sunglasses and avoid all sources for a while, so it helps to know your sources.

In summary, Vitamin D information is becoming abundant so find out your Vitamin D blood levels and what that means to you in particular to make an informed decision.

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